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Why has there always been global hostility? Why do humans and warfare always go hand-in-hand?
What are the causes of war? Is it competition over finite resources? Is it based on idealogies? Is it competition ... disguised as based on idealogies? Are we destined for extinction due to our persistent war waging? Maybe we humans possess a 'war' gene, just like we might posess a 'religious' gene.
Past experience suggests yes. Or will a few of us survive. After all Darwinian evolution applies to us humans also so the 'fittest' will survive, even after the mother of all wars. Perhaps humans have reached the stage where we cannot become extinct. Our brains are too advanced to allow all our species to become extinct - even if WW3 ever happens, or we are hit by a comet/asteroid or a deadly virus gets the better of us.
These are the three most likely ways we as humans can be removed from the top of the food chain on planet Earth. There is of course always the possibility of extraterristial life having an influence and maybe even a devastating influence on our human life.
But leaving aside the last possibility, we are so capable with our advanced technology and our ever evolving brain capabilities of surviving and continuing our existence on planet Earth as top-dog. Or maybe that's part of the problem. Our status as 'top-dog' inflates our ego's, we look upon this planet as our own, ours to do with whatever way we see fit, ignoring the life we share this planet with along with little foresight or interest on the future state of our planet.
The World War 2 Death Count. Its horrific !
Credit to Hitler.org website